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Diet md weight clinic incorporated - fare md weight clinic compound

31-01-2017 à 18:46:29
Diet md weight clinic incorporated
But the coffee i had this a. I am just diagnosed and soon to have gallbladder removed. I had my gall bladder removed 12 years ago. I took the advice of only consuming 5 grams of fat per serving and eating smaller meals. After eating an not a lot I get that jumping in my mid section and I no I am about to get sick. And am due in 2 weeks to have a colonoscopy. Recovery was so much worse than I expected. And I only eat dark greens and lots of fresh fruits and lean meats. I also have notice that I never know when I wk have to run to the bathroom. Since then, I am in an excruciating amount of pain with worse symptoms than before the surgery. For those of you with Acid reflex and digestive issues I suggest Organic Apple Cidar Vinegar with the Mother. This past summer I had similar eposides of stomach pain and pain like before my surgery. The owner of a local wellness house suggested I try Cholacol followed by Hydro-chloride but I would prefer to know which foods to avoid, and those that I should have in my diet. Periodically, i throw up bile and its brutal. I carry extra pills with me and take 1 in case I am out with others and want to partake in pizza or fried foods. But today though can hardly move have been able to eat two jello cups and two fruit cups one pears and one mangos. I feel totally duped I would have much preferred to keep my gallbladder with the stones and try to reduce the stones. Prior to that, I had not seen or heard from him. But my stomach hurts majority of the time. In the hospital my nurse was very wise and she brought me some Boost on ice which was easy to stomach as long as I went slowly. For the first month they had to introduce fattier foods slowly and carefully. I have changed some things I eat, and eat smaller meals. I am two weeks post-op today and having a TERRIBLE time. I feel fine with and am eating mostly low fat food and perhaps that is why I am losing weight. The side effect is lots of gas but that is a small price to pay for the cessation of the inflammation that occurs without the fiber. noon ate a piece of talapia fish with jazmin rice and green beans. I have been taking fish oil gummy chews ever since. Any thing I eat makes my insudes blow up. Friends that were forced to change to a healthy diet because of the surgery are having the most difficulty recovering and adjusting. This is not fun at all, i find that it is harder for me to lose weight now, not sure if that is some of the reason. I am afraid to live my life in fear of having accidents. I have refused meds but this year doctor insisted. My husband is so happy we are going on vacation again. the area is still tender and I keep having a sticking pain on the right side of my back. Recovery the first two months was very rough. Minor wounds( all four) have healed very quickly, the longest wound only 5 cm and looks no worse than a cat scratch. As far as your question about what foods you can eat since your surgery, there is really not a road map to follow. Before surgery I would get diarreah when I eated chicken skins or any animal fat so My guess is my gallbladder was not working like it should long time ago and I had no idea it was that. I cancelled my vacation for the end of May, knowing I will not be 100%. When I had the bag removed, they found that my bile duct had shrunk and a stint had to be put in. Hello every one in this forum,my name is Morgan Jennet from USA,I am here to give my testimony about a herbalist doctor who helped me in my life. I have be trying to get to this type of facility for years, but did not know where to go til I found this clinic. I am able to eat fruits- banana, peaches. I have my gallbladder removed Eight weeks ago and I am still having dizzy sspells what can I do. On the run before hand I could drink a kellogs. I have trouble with spicy foods, I avoid them. I woke up in the recovery room feeling confused until the nurses told me where I was and gave me a warm blanket which was wonderful. So i went back to eating soft food n soups. So I was eager to get a big salad (one of my favorite things to eat), but the lettuce made my tummy ache for the rest of the night,so much that I was in tears. The pain was almost unbearable before the surgery and after it well nothing could have seemed any better compared to previously. So, you are correct, the diet depends on the patient. During the first part of February 2014 I began being nauseous and sick almost all the time. I ate a slice of pizza and had no problem. Definitely worth the trip from Central Florida to Atlanta to gather further knowledge about my son. I am a 20 year old female, I had my gallbladder removed in 2010. I had a salad yesterday and I got sick from it. I think less invasive testing could be done first. To the point where I can hardly sleep some nights. but It was not a good idea. Ended up very bloated - my stomach and face and then had diarrhea. Your organs are still learning how to work together without your gallbladder. While I have always maintained a healthy diet, and I love vegetables, occasionally we all enjoy a muffin, or sweets. That has happened a few times but fortunately it has always run its course rather quickly, about 30 minutes. Caffine and dairy are extremely hard to eat. I have not had many problems except a stomach ache and maybe a little indigestion. Just blames it all on ny weight, along with every other issue. After your gallbladder removal follow these laws: 1. please help and advise as to what to do about this. Bottom line is everyone is different and the key is to change your eating habits gradually and you will be better than you were before post surgery. My gallbladder was removed in may of 2012 and I still have major issues with some foods. Wanting chocolate is my biggest problem - and probably always will be. I just had my gb taken out on Feb 4th this year and was doing great immediately after surgery and was eating well. Within a two hour period after eating thanksgiving lunch I had to head out to the ER. I know that some pain is from the carbon dioxide blow up, but is the rest normal. I take the maximum dose every day and as long as I keep that up I am fine. I am having an issue with eating rice - any type of rice. Just as I have followed a low carbohydrate diet due to a family history of T1 and T2 diabetes. I had my gullblatter removed may 28th 2015. I wanted to share my experience as I found myself very worried on day 1 and day 2 and I kept searching different websites to read what other patients experienced. After almost 10 years I pretty much know the ropes of what to do and what not to as far as eating. I never before in my life had hives until my gallbladder sent me to the e. My HIV virus that was cured by a great herbal medicine man. Wow. Which In turn causes cramps and then the diarrhea. Please, if you get yours removed have the doctors check, and double check that they removed all gallstones. I also have no problem with tea with 1% or 2% milk. I have a staging pain under my right ribs to the point of not being able to take a deep breath. After telling my surgeon about it, he claimed it was only a coincidence, and definitely not due to the lack of a gall bladder. 20. I was having frequent diarrhea and frequent abdominal pain. For the next few years I always felt full after meals. I am a Journalist of over 4 years that Infected was by HIV disease,this disease has over come my body system. 25 miles and up to 2 miles in a week. Keep in mind when you read stuff on the internet that people may have many other things going on (like IBS or undiagnosed celiac) that could be affecting them after the surgery. It certainly changed my life for the worse. i have real problems with digestion and I still get a lot of pain in my stomach. I pretty much just have a snack size meal six times a day. Everyone needs to learn what and how to eat, we as a society overeat and eat all the wrong things hence the issues with our Gallbladders and for me my weight. I would still have mine out even though it took me so long to bounce back, I feel worlds better. I had my gallbladder removed when i was 15 now 32 mostly anything i eat upsets my stomach and almost going to the bathroom on myself. I was thinking I could go back to work after a week with pain relievers to control the pain but am finding the digestive issues are even more painful and difficult to deal with which are keeping me out of work a lot longer. Yes I had gal bladder removed jan. Just finished reading some of the post about gallbladder removals. I found I still was having severe attacks, especially if I drank any coffee,some beans, and like today, I decided to see if eggs which I always avoided, were ok now. but I try not to lift any thing heavy or bend too much since I still have the steristrips on the surgical cuts on my abdomen made. Just get rid of headaches and happy days. I tell u what since I have had my surgery I can not eat alot of anything bc if I do not either comes back up or out the other way. I take a probiotic but it makes the cramping worse. I had my gall bladder out 1 yr ago and still have problems in my lower intestine. he needs to be. If I do I will throw up just like when I had gallstones. Also after surgery I would avoid going out to eat as much as possible. Am eating clear liquids and have incontinent bile stools. surgery and ended up taking out the gall bladder too. I contribute it to drinks too much tea with my meal. DR Nelson, Thank you for posting your information. When I was able to go back to my normal diet, I was unable to keep anything down. I have been digesting it fine so far but will keep you updated. Over time I added small amounts of soup to my grilled cheeses and a cup of coffee to my morning egg sandwiches. Its really hard not to eat anything fatty without getting a severe stomach ache. I love coffee with flavored creamer and that is the last thing I had before bed last night. I also have IBS and am Lactose Intollerant. Meds are Benecar(bp) Levethroxin (thyroid) Arimidex (after breast cancer) Crestor (cholestrol) Nexium (3 per week) Allegra, Zyrtek and Flonase for allergies. However, I have felt pretty bloated and gassy and not that hungry since the surgery. I found sprite zero to be my favorite at the time because of the nausea I was having after surgery. Also, the lower left part of my tummy is still sore to the touch and the middle right side of my back sometimes still feels like I am being stabbed several times. And now hurts more when I get a period it hurts soooo bad. I also notice that i have to eat smaller meals. Eat a balanced diet, and if splurging, do it in small portion, or break up the portions and do small portion now and then small portion later. Visits at first I was told I had inflammed colon due to loose stools. I had my gallbladder removed in April and I have to say my life is literally wasting away and nothing is helping. Almost three weeks ago I donated the right lobe of my liver to my mom. No matter what I ate, even water, it seemed to make me sick, I never threw up, just felt like I needed to. I could never pin my attacks on my diet they were very random. You could puree it to give yourself some variation. eating any food no problem. craving for cheese and coffee thouth. Lunch: Cambells or Healthy Choice Tomato soup-Water only. Also once there is a BM another one follows within 3 minutes. However, I did dehydrate and had to go to the ER. I eat a lot of junk foods and I am glad I am not alone, I gained a lot of weight since my surgery and now I want to eat healthier so if any one has a no gallbladder diet plz share also if there are really bad foods I should be avoiding share that too, thank u. After 3 days or so I added scrambled eggs and toast, banana, rice, and thicker vegetable soup. Lol But everything turned out fine. Mine was a Hematoma where the gallbladder was. After surgery, there was minimal pain although it took a few weeks to get there. I am T1D. BM are minimal and range from rock hard to diarrhea. Right now food seems to be trial and error. Hopefully the GI Specalist could give me answers. Having much difficulty. Morphine helped but made the constant nausea and sickness worse. At first I was miserable and getting me to eat was a fight all I wanted to do was feel miserable. Someone told me no fatty foods so i eat salads but that seems worse. As of the 4th day after surgery I have been having a normal regular bm. I just have to test the waters on everything I eat, I come to realize that I may never be able to have a piece of Pizza again. This will determine what supplements that you can look into taking to teach and help your body learn how to digest food without your Gallbladder. I had my gaul bladder removed 11 years ago when i was 16 years old. I have no appetite, and find myself loosing weight without trying to. I get really sicky to my stomach if I do. One has heard of medical empires built on back pain, everyone else being wrong. I. And today by mistake i had chicken in my dinner but very less quantity and now i am getting panic whether it will do any side effect. Tomato was a main problem, but I had always loved pizza so things were always tough. I have been having bouts of pancreatitis, three hospitalizations in less then two months. I had my gallbladder removed Oct. The reason I found this website is because now my mother is having gallstone problems and is going in for surgery soon. I must admit though my stomach has become very bloated looking but I do drink a lot of caffeine soda. The nurse told me nothing fried or fatty for a while. gases were bad. I had really bad chest pains for several days and thought I was having a heart attack. Lots of water a walk a day and doing staircases. Other than me losing a little bit wait because i think im eating healthier now than before which i think is a good thing. the carbon dioxide that is put in belly to see things better, was the only uncomfortable feeling after the surgery. I have diarrhea most days followed by constipation but I thought it was related to food sensitivity. Very strange that when I do retire and lie on my back reading, I have no symptoms, when I turn on either side I get a feeling of heat ascending my esophagus. Will try some fried and fatty foods this week and see what happens. Was given no instructions as far as diet, or that I should take supplements, so I healed up,and never looked back. I will post after watching my diet for next couple of days. And now that I have just come off of the pain meds, I am experiencing even more sensitivity to foods to the point that I can barely eat anything and am having non-stop yellow, burning diarrhea. when i came home i had only campbells soup and soda biscuits and then graduated to boiled eggplant, pumpkin and rice with grilled chicken. My first gallbladder attack was around October 2014. I wanted to share some of what I learned. I have had problems ever since my gall bladder was removed 11 years ago. I really had no problems from the surgery. I watch what I eat but even vegetables upset things sometimes. It came on slow, I vomitted not due to nausea and movement my bowels, but still had the pain. The Dr gave me nausea medicine,7. My upper abdominal has been feeling sore and a little pain. i understand my female doctor was called the butcher by the hospital staff. Surgery went great though afterwards I developed lung issues. D. I had my gallbladder removed almost two years ago and cannot eat processed fatty food or deep fried foods. Appart from the lose of appetite and smaller meals I seem to be fine. I had my gall bladder removed in December of 2013. I was 40 when I had my gallbladder removed a year ago. cheese is a struggle sometimes as well. I also have a food allergy to soy, so I continued thinking I must have used a soy product some how. Made a couple bad food choices and suffered for it. So far today April 22nd banana, oatmeal, vitamins, boiled egg. An ultrasound and second CT showed that fluid had collected in my lower abdomen as a result of a bilary leak. He also had all of his teeth taken out about the same time. I had my gallbladder removed three years ago. I knew they could not come back, but I was going thru pain, vomiting, the hot spot in my stomach. I had my gallbladder removed on Oct 29 2016 so just about one week on thursdayl. I was drinking tons of 7up but switched to water after vomiting. Dairy and Soda are problem areas, as well as coffee and tea. After 7 days in hospital I got home, I had hot hot flashes for three days and upset stomachs. I discovered that i was infected with the virus 4yrs ago, after a medical check-up. I had my gall bladder removed on August 26th 2014. Its still a mystery to me as of how my gallbladder was not functioning properly and became weaker and weaker in a years time. No matter what I ate or drank I was always in the bathroom and it was awful. Hi,is it normal to get diarrhea right after you eat buffalo sauce. I did venture out and had a cheese tamale yesterday and was fine. later I had jell-o and some apple sauce. Up until Oct 2015 had reoccurring bouts with stomach bloating and pain. Was looking for bile salts whic you can take with your meals when fat is consumed and a herbal liver cleanse. The more dairy I can get in my diet the better off I am. I gall bladder was removed several years ago and I am 73 years old. I am exhausted from nausea, vomitting and pain. I hope you answer this. The pain it causes is almost unbearable and actually worse than the pain I was having from my gall bladder. It may be tough but I would rather change my diet for the positive than go through the pain I was in for the past seven years. Had my gall bladder taken out yesterday about 8am and was home by 2pm in agony. Two things clear from these posts. I weighed 128 lbs within 3 months I gained 20 lbs. Everyone is different, so sometimes its just trial and error. I had gallbladder surgery last Monday and im having troubl with what to eat. Nothing has changed since my last post except that my bowels have normalised. I had my Gallbladder removed in 2010 and Life pretty much sucked after that. But Thank God I was wrong. After reading this article and others regarding this subject, I read these symptoms should only be temporary, at least till a persons body gets used to having a gallbladder removed. I find I have to eat small meals throughout the day or else I get cramps and severe gas pain. Unbelievably, I am taking milk of magnesia that helps me loosen and pass gas. Breast then one closer to the middle of my chest more so closer my sternum, and one below my belly button. Can I have tomato juice after a gallbladder surgery. i need help on a new diet that will help me eat with pain or discomfort. I actually came here to see if anyone has any recommendations. If I eat anything too fatty I have extreme stomach pain and Bile coloured diarrhoea. I had all the symptoms that I hear everyone talking about. If you can, stay in the hospital the extra night and let them manage your pain, really. No nutrition in jello, decaf tea and chicken bouillon. 6 to 10 maybe 12 times a day, weather I eat or not. My son and I were both young when we had our diseased gall bladders removed. But all my loose bowel movements real did a number on them. I went to the surgeons and told me he would schedule me that next friday. I find that anything larger than a small meal will give me bloating and some indigestion but my diarrhea has not come back. I found out that eating regular foods straight up, well definitely have a bad effects, such as farting flames, farting that sounds like a mule or tryna give birth to a brick. But we had sloppy joes and that seemed to put him down in bed with a hard belly and pain. I guess that could be from the pain pills though. He takes between 10-20 pills of Imodium a day and while that gives him some relief in times of stress even this does not work. All of the employees were very nice, helpful, and provided a high quality of service. I had my gallbladder removed in April of 2015 and I have still been unable to determine what foods I can and cannot eat. I did experience pain while in recovery but did not take any pain medication other than that Friday. What helped the most pre and post surgery was getting a good nutritionist who I still see once a month. Dr. So I spent three days in the hospital before the surgery to get my blood under control. However I was already on a glutin free and low fructose diet. Choosing to eat rice tonight, due to lack of appetite. It feels like someone has a poker in my back. After testing I was diagnosed with gall stones. I enjoy life again. Sadly enough I can eat fast food no problem but salads cause me so much pain. But not everyone has the gallbladder removed due to stones. Now that I have an appetite I was only told to stay away from fatty foods. I would force myself to regain some strength. Since I lost my gallbladder I have gained about 40 pounds which is in my stomach area. I truly hope everyone can fined there happy medium so you can enjoy life again. I may have eaten 2 oz. :). No one really prepares you for how I should be feeling. Iknow that you will think is crazy but water yes water if I drink it fast you know like you just when for a run and finish a full bottle of water. I actually feel swollen and absolutely miserable to the point where the only thing that makes me feel better for a day or 2 is literally to not eat so my system can level back out and my bathroom habits become normal again as the constipation is excruciating. All three other incisions have healed much better than that belly button one. I become light headed and have wavy spasms that emanates from the stomach and leaves me off- colour a moment or two and often leaves me with a headache. I had mine removed 8days ago constipated for 3days and that drink did the job. Went to ER thinking I was having a heart attack. I was having trouble with diarrhea before it but now its worse. I just wish the doctor made the adjustments a little more clear after the operation so I knew what to expect. Trying to reintroduce the food I have not eaten for months and its going ok. I wish I had been smarter at the time and demanded second and third opinions and something different been done because now I feel like I have to suffer missing out the rest of my life:(. I LOVE unflavored, sparkling water and I consider a real Coca-Cola a treat. They took a CT scan and said there were gall stones causing the discomfort and admitted me to the hospital for surgery the next morning. I would not wish the pain from a gallbladder attack on anyone. No issues other than a little stomach aches (gas i believe) and one bowel movement was brownish yellow. Some information about about different cheeses would make the guide perfect for me. Thank you so much for writing this article. My stools have been mixed (some loose and some firm). I have been very week, feeling faint as I get up to walk just down the hall. Salads initially caused diarrhea so I have brought those back gradually. I had my gallbladder out dec 18 and it took a good six weeks before I felt normal again. Finding out that I cannot eat a lot of dairy. every hour, I walk around the house, several times. I feel like Ive gone from frying pan to fire. The symptoms are projectile vomiting, cant tolerate even water, and pain worse than any C-section or natural child birth, and it can be fatal. I made the mistake of putting up with GB pain, fever and chills for about 3 months prior to surgery. Prior to the surgery, about three weeks, I became so sick I lost 28lbs. I am turning to the internet in hopes that I can learn from others who have had the surgery, but I feel like I should have been given this information already from my surgeon. Not sure what affect this has had but I ate these items sparingly and after meals that were healthier foods. Hello, I had my gall bladder removed 15 yrs ago and have had pain everyday since. I have always had irregular bowel movements but now it is worse. Hello I had my Gallbladder removed November 2013. I can handle peppermint tea and ice tea with lemon for drinks, but my go to is ginger ale. Doo rhea sickness temperature also aching joints lethargy. Also, I quit smoking (25 yrs) just b4 the operation and I am leaving that behind with any luck. A little more information about grains and structuring small meals. Also, today symptoms appeared after eating a ham sandwhich for lunch. After 7-8 weeks, an ultrasound was ordered and I had about 8 gallstones. HEART and his ability of restoring broken relationship and marriages. After reading all the posts, i am having the symptoms NOW that everyone is complaining is compalining about after. I have managed to stop eating red meat without really missing it. Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics. I still have some problems here and there, but it seems to be related to sugar intake, non-organic flour products, oils of any sort and soda which I am working on eliminating now as well. I am 59 years old and had my gallbladder removed 4 YEARS ago. I am still struggling with my daily diet. After 4 days in the hospital and all of that done I was able to go home and eat anything I wanted really. I hope gf and df options become more prevalent too. Only thing that has changed is the diarrhea, occasional sharp-ish sudden pain where gall bladder was, for no reason, diet changes, and drink lots of water all day. I hope everyone else who has written in has better luck in the future. Poor appetite, exhaustion, anger, very temperamental can be aggressive verbally. I bought Cheerios to mix with my cold cereal hoping to cut down on the fiber. 2 days in a row severe diarrhea. ) Did some breathing exercises and that kept me going for about an hour, but after that I vomited everything I ate. And if you do eat that fettuccine Alfredo at least stay close to the bathroom for a while. Had more fruits and a home-made berry-banana shake in the afternoon. Big problems after I had my gallbladder removed. I. Drink skin milk some veggies I have a hard time with. I just had gallbladder surgery last Thursday, I have had such severe pain from eating anything. I am a 64 yr old woman that was in somewhat great health before gallbladder remival. Only once in a while I got a stomach flu or bloating. Two weeks after having my gallbladder removed, I came down with acute pancreatitis. I had laproscopic gall bladder removal surgery January 9th. My bowels are not quite up to my regular schedule but it all comes with time. I had my gallbladder out 4 days ago, July 30, 2014. I developed a football sized purple and black bruise across my lower abdomen. There are times at night I feel a bit of discomfort when I am laying down on my bed to sleep. Every time I eat fatty foods I get diarrhea. Oddly enough, I am thinking of going back on the low fat diet I was told to follow before the surgery to get my weight down again. I had gallbladder surgery in 1991 and I am able to eat anything at any time. im eating jello soup and water that is what wrks for me right now. Just cut back a bit on potatoes and pasta. whole wheat saltines with little amount of almond butter. I now know I can be the person I was before these injuries (9 total concussions). I wanted to update this review because I get so many private messages about the Amen Clinic. If your soup liquid is too low then add like 1 glass of hot boiled water on your soup. I have had no problems with food post surgery, but have mostly eaten cereal, oatmeal, brown rice, veggies, toast, crackers and fruit. I eat turkey and chicken that does not seem to bother me as bad. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can get solution. In order to function properly I must eat vegetables,fruits,lean meats and no junk food. and feels pukki all the time. The gas pain is so intense at times I want to cry. My appetite has vanished and my knowing where the bathroom is has increased. Johnson has been very patient and encouraging with my kids and me in our follow-up care as well. Then in March 2015 I had what I now know as an attack. After meals I either have severe diarrhea or am constipated for days. The only thing that helps settle my stomach is Ritz crackers which you cannot eat all the time. Third day grilled chicken (small piece) salad made of lettuce, tomato, cucumber. On the fourth day I was able to intake broth and plenty of fluids. Calcium supplements and citrus juice for example lemon juice and water seem to firm things up a little, but too much can cause constipation. Since my surgery I had been experiencing some severe bouts of diahrea, blotting, cramping and pain. as it states in the article above. We eat a lot of veggies and I eat a banana a day and occasional other fruit. This afternoon I had a dry toasted battle and it went down well. I collapsedin airport while traveling and ended up in hospital. And that smoothie keeps me full for a while. I did have what I called ghost gallbladder attacks for the first few months after surgery. After the surgery, i had some bad runs, yellow and green in color, again is what to expect after this procedure. I lost a lot of blood, but now, slowly healing up. I was very lucky that my gallbladder did not rupture. I do not know exactly what type of diet to follow, the nurse told at hospital before I left, avoid fat food, acids and spicy. But I also tried to eat a Ground Turkey cheeseburger. I have no children which they said was another weird factor. Belly button and that are still sore from new mesh, too. Take care all- appreciative of the information sharing here. At 63, I am going live some sort of life. Just posted but forgot to mention a couple things. I started doing better once I could stand meats (deli sliced turkey helped me the most). I went to dinner yesterday and had a lean cut of steak which I sliced paper thin as I was eating it. Since I can remember, but especially since having my first child, I have had gallbladder attacks after consuming dairy and red meat, prob due to the high fat content. a home made burger with relish on a big bun. I have no pre-existing conditions so I am blessed there. They sent me home again and just then a doctor happened to check my file again and by then I had lost three sizes they thought I was afraid of food. I have got to the point where I am a little bit scared to eat or drink anything. They told me in the emergency room that I had a gallstone and that I had to stay overnight for surgery the next day. I never thought of going to have issues with food after gall bladder removal and sofar there are none. Not being able to eat solid food will have added to the weight loss. High fat dairy is out of the question, so is grease or saturated fats of any kind. so a lady walked to me and asked why am I so sad and i open up all to her and told her my problem, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a doctor who uses herbal medication to cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS and gave me his email, so i mail him. They will take care of you and life on the other side of not having a gallbladder is much better than having one that has great potential to become more severe over time and require more invasive surgery. its almost like retraining myself, I am 50 yrs old and have noticed a lot of lower back pain since surgery but its my own fault for drinking whole milk daily and coffee. I do have pepper mints for the quick sugar level. Large meals on one day and just coffee the next seems to trigger diarrhea. I dont want to mess up my cholesterol levels. I am 41 female Hispanic, and I had my gallbladder removed 4wks ago today, and I am also type 1 diabetic insulin dependent. Also feel constipated at times which was never the case earlier and sometimes face problems of upset tummy. I highly recommend anyone interested in their health especially if you experience anxiety or depression, to make an appointment at the Amen Clinic. I had surgery four days ago and have irritable bowl syndrome. joseph furhmans plant based diet with no real results. I bought Cheerios to mix with my cold cereal hoping to cut down on the fiber. I got my gallbladder removed when I was 19. Without trying ive lost over 30 pounds in the last few months and I wasnt all that large to begin with. I have been taking my daughter to see Dr. My doctors have been unable to determine what is causing this pain. Actually said nothing else could cause the pain. but I have talked with other people that concur that they,too, have had some problems with some foods, so I am going to be a little careful in that I will eat small amounts for awhile. I had my gall bladder removed about five years ago. And I had a little pinch of pain but it immediately went away. I recommend, Ox bile at least once daily with your main meal. I decided to try some peppers the other day, bad choice, my rock hard stomach still does not like me and have had multiple quick trips to the bathroom. Drinking, water, Gatorade, and tea, (1 glass a day). I have been eating everything I did before but trying to eat smaller portions. Gas, nausea, bloating, lots of belching etc. I have never in my life believe in spell but now he has just helped me out to be a fulfill woman and i am now so happy. 5 weeks. Everytime I try to eat I get extremely nauteous. Sad part is that usually the most healty foods are the ones that cause me more pain an constipation or the other way around buy constipation are the most painful cause come with the bloating and sarp pain. The burning sensation was horrible. I have gone from eating clear broth to enjoying most of our Thanksgiving dinner last night with the exception of the gravy and higher fat foods. Avoid Mexican food - good in the restaurant but left overs about killed me off the next night with the pain. I had mine back in 1979 and it was the old sugery that left a long scar (they took out my appendix too). my bowels were irregular again. I applaud you and your efforts and stand ready to give others information about you and i hope they believe and work with you. I just had gallbladder removal today and all I feel is sore in the belly area at the moment. My surgery was August 28, 2015 and I still have the burning pain. I was pregnant and had my son, three months later I had my gallbladder removed after experiencing sharp pains across my midsection. If something makes me nauseous, however, I avoid it. I irritated my esophagus which was already eroded from years of acid reflux. I started taking Imodium before a big meal with friends or family. Now without the gallbladder i feel like a million dollars. Could this surgery have thrown off my parathyroids causing my severe weight gain. My gallbladder was removed on 4-23-15 but I continue to have diarrhea no matter what or if I eat. Yes, I believe that I am one of those people who use 2 be able to eat just about anything But no more:(. I have found that greasy foods as well as. I had my gall bladder removed 4 months ago. I have to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Raisins (may not be seed, but, can cause trouble. It took about an hour for the pains to get worse enough for me to go to the bathroom. That said, I can handle only very small amounts of fat at any meal, but that is fine. Daily exercise consists of four mile walk, use of strength bands. They gave me print out of what I should and should not eat. But all of a sudden, the pain was back and a month later I had surgery. I had my gallbladder out on a Friday late afternoon in June 2013 and recovered fairly quickly. I have digestive issues, but a good probiotic helps. I drink a protein powder drink for breakfast, larger meal of the day for lunch and small meal in the evening like ceral and bananas or other fruits. I also get phantom pains that are not a 10 on the pain scale but around 2 to 3. I have asked the nurse 2x about Gasx or something. I had my Gallbladder removed 4 days ago on the 24th of April. Not really given an option because I had stones. I have the normal puffy belly, soreness and immobility to be expected after that kind of surgery but I am very happy with the way I am digesting food already. We are continuing to see him over the phone, because we have severed ties with all of the doctors in our town that have misdiagnosed my son over the years. I just had a gallbladder and stones removed last week any advice as to what to eat. That I had to watch foods that were high in acid. Been eating a lot of rice and now i have been having diarrhea for the past 2 weeks with severe abdominal cramps been back and forth to the doctors and they keep telling me everything is ok. I could have died while taking care of my infant alone. People with compromised liver or digestive function are often vitamin D deficient. Today I felt like eating what I had yesterday since I had no issues. Biopsy came back that I had no stones present but green fluid present and chronic inflammation caused me to need to have it removed. I am having the issue of dealing with recent embarrassing incident with my bowel movements. Also, post surgery for about a year I would get terrible stomach aches and be sick the entire next day if I ate onions. Now I can not eat any red meat or cereal without gas and belching. One evening I woke up feeling a cramping pain by my liver having no clue what was going on. I suffered for almost two full years after the surgery having frequent embarrassing issues. Drinking a lot of hot mint tea unsweetened. My big sin is mustard potato salad which I buy a small amount once a week. Seems to be common that many surgeons do not give any advice about diet. 3 weeks is the norm. I was on a chicken noodle soup, saltine cracker and jello diet for 4 days because i was terrified to eat after the surgery. There are allot of foods that i eat that go right threw me as soon as i get done eating. I have been going just like pre surgery every morning. I became extremely unwell with a bacteria infection which resulted in fever and all over body rash. I also am Hypoglycemic, controlled by diet so far. I am at the point where I can only eat small meals and nothing after 5pm or I am up all night with pain. It is not about the M O N E Y like them, it is for justice and for them to pay for private treatment to try to improve my condition. She has lost almost 10 kgs. He said eventually the body would normalize, but there was no time table. If you need to have it done research everything you can, quiz your doctor(s) as much as possible as to what your new normal diet should be. ago. I will continue this for a few more days to be safe. After surgery I now struggle the most if I let myself get hungry. That means that I was already used to that kind of diet and it would not make any difference. Carbs will bloat me to such an uncomfortable state that I will not repeat the way I eat carbs again. Forgot to mention my Nutritionist also gave me Digestive Enzymes to take before every meal to aid in digestion. finally saw my doctor and told him. Hi. Never had an issue with my gallbladder until October 2014. I never was much of a coffee drinker however do enjoy green tea. After my operation I eat almost anything, drink soda and coffee twice a day. I was back at work the following Monday. I just had emergency gall bladder surgery after suffering symptoms for over three years undiagnosed. I have always loved cheese (being from Europe) as well as Milk and. Eat mostly very softenned chicken and fish try to avoid beef. Anyways, after this many years you get to know what foods will give you cramps and cause you to rush to the bathroom. I can eat avocados, gelato, some cheeses, without issue. I am just glad God help me through my surgery and that i coudnt have done it without Him. I know what I have to do to restore function back to those areas. Small amounts, bland foods, cooked green beans and carrots, and Pineapple fruit bars. Like they said on here, all depends on the individual. Last week I started having the same kind of pain and severity. I have noticed that if I eat dairy products I end up with diarrhea along with stomach cramps. If i do find food that works one day the next day it doesnt. I can leave my house to see friends I can eat again. I really enjoyed my experience with Fallon, who has excellent life-coaching abilities. I can handle peppermint tea and ice tea with lemon for drinks, but my go to is ginger ale. Going home and walking was so slow for me and hurts a little on my right side. I have soft but formed BMs from once to three times a day. I began drinking 1 cup of hot prune juice before bed to keep me regular after the anesthesia and pain meds and will continue with that as it has worked. This was because there was a stone lodged firmly in my bile duct. However, in the past couple of years I developed an intolerance for foods high in fat, also spicy foods. I am having only natural fat butter and olive oil. However, one thing that brought me to this site is that I woke up with dark yellow bile creeping up my esophagus that was very bitter tasting, and got to putting two-and-two together that this is maybe the 2nd or 3rd time post op that have experienced this unpleasant bile. Very grateful to my skillful surgeon and my parents who provided hot and home cooked meals during the initial 2 weeks of my recovery. Then they did surgery on me and put 2 stints in the bile ducts, one small one that fell out on its own and the second one which is bigger will be taken out at the beginning of October. Tried diets an low fat ect. He now has extensive symptoms as described for post-gall bladder removal. I have been trying to watch what I eat but I made the mistake of eating deep fried corn dogs 3 nights ago, about 3 hours later my stomach started hurting and I felt so sick, I stayed in bed all the next day. Will I have try all diets, eating small meals. My appetite was lacking and now i just need to force myself to eat. My first day home and my first meal was children noodle soup with a few saltine crackers. After reading, it seems like those who drank Gatorade, had the least amount of issues. I slept on the floor and had to have an enema at about midnight to releave the pain last night. She specifically has problems eating foods high in fat or high in fiber. gave. I keep a record of everything I eat and drink. For the first few months after the surgery everything I ate or drank went right through me but it has gotten so much better. I then went on to soups,after two or three days of soups i dicided to have a proper meal of liver,mash,carrots,broccoli(my favourite meal) after about 2 hours i started having indigestion pains. like a gal stone attack for 3 hours. Reviewing the brain scan helps us to better understand our son and A. I have always had several bowl movements a day since having it out,which I was told is normal. After my gallbladder surgery. Those tuna packets taste better than the canned. I drink lots of water, eat no-fat foods 98% of the time, very small meals. To Mary Quigley: I also have a bump near the incision located above my belly button. I am a 46 year old female and weigh 200 pounds. I am going to cut down on the fiber and try the Cholestyramine every other day if the constipation returns. Im only little so Wight loss was very noticeable and was starting to worry my family. I consider myself lucky if I go to toilet for bowels every 4 days or so. Those symptoms have gone away until last night. I went through so many procedures and had seen many doctors in short peroid of times, but could not find anything abvious. I just had my gallbladder removed and the next day I ate maybe 3 tablespoons of rice and some vanilla ice cream with orange soda. I have found I get nauseated in the evenings. While I can go weeks or months feeling totally fine, I also hit days of diarrhea that is just as bad as the days after surgery. I had gall bladder surgery on April 11, 2016, a week later I was rushed to the hospital with tremendous pain in my upper stomach with voimitting every 20 minutes. Dr. I did eat pizza last night with butter garlic dipping sauce. I just had my gallblader removed two weeks ago. However, after reading what you have wrote, I now know that it is due to having my gallbladder taken out. However just recently I have been getting so much gas and the noise inside is continual. Still trying to figure out what I can and cannot eat without it bothering my stomach. I just wish that any of the doctors who had been a part of my diagnosis and surgery had talked to me about alternatives. It a true story God bear me a great weakness that it is a true story. I can eat small amounts of turkey breast (99% fat free) and occasionally extremely lean chicken breast (just 2 or three bites for a meal). I have tried chocolate granola bars in small portions and have had no issues. She has had constant cramping and diarrhea every day sense the surgery. I had mine out in Jan of 2007 and the first few weeks were tough. He takes between 10-20 pills of Imodium a day and while that gives him some relief in times of stress even this does not work. I couldnt eat before I had my gallbladder removed. Greens foods and fiber, and lots of water has been a big help to me. The doctor told her that she has to stay on a low-fat diet. I usually add ginger to my juice and focus more on greens with a little fruit added. one day not. I gradually re-introduced foods into my diet and I now eat everything with very few problems, except for bloating. Learned that being sensible and eating right, which should do anyway, is the best. I prefer no-fat French or just fresh lemon juice. Every week removing something in my diet to find a cause. It tastes so good I am hoping I can tolerate some caffeine in moderation. I have stayed away from the m obviously fatty foods like hamburgers but I have been eating a pretty normal diet. I had gall bladder surgery 2 weeks ago and I eat anything I want. Just had my gallbladder removed eight hours ago. But it would seem that we will all get into proper health or better eating habits with healthier results. I think people who dont have a gallbladder should be much better. This is a puzzle as I thought both contained caffeine. I am still a bit weak but I hope in a few days I will be back to normal. Can exacerbate the acid in your stomach etc. I found more recently following a gluten free diet with occasional bread or gluten free pasta works best. I hope this helps those who are suffering, as he does. I will try that and will also cut back on the fats. I had laparoscopy 4 incisions with 1 being larger due to stone size. Given it was Sat I was in a mind fog and said you know best. I am stuck onto a low fat diet but last night had some light spanish tapas, and felt pretty dizzy and with nausea. I had a HIDA scan last month to reveal 11% function. I would NOT do it again because now I have loose stools everyday which is caused by excess bile (since I no longer have a gallbladder to store it) draining to the intestines. Still (in 2016) have fierce diarrhea when I eat anything too fatty, or have raw fruits and vegetables. I am a borderline diabetic medication free and not in need of insulin shots so it was kind of tough finding blane foods like grains and such. When I wake up the burning is gone until I go to the bathroom again. I plan on adding Murilax to my drinks as well. A woman called from her office telling me to find a general surgeon and stop eating fats. The doctor gave me medication to manage the pain and in between he said I can take Advil or Tylenol. Also see if they will check for an ulcer. Had another cat scan with dye to show up if the blockage was bad showing the dye going through. 5 years ago and still having bouts of diarrhea after meals. My bowel movement is normal and am losing weight. I had my gallbladder removed 10 days ago and I have not experienced any diarrhea. I have been eating buffalo burger and plenty of veggies. The vertigo may have been from the codeine. I feel like I have a band around my waist. Also if i have even a teaspoon of oil i am in the RR very quickly and i can see the oil once its out. I had my surgery a week ago On May 1st and the gas is so insane I cry and think about dieing constantly. I do have to say that pre removal I was in misery. Hi, my name is Noel and I just had my gallbladder removed about 10 days ago. Especially if I ate too much or ate foods that did not agree with me. I am still going to move slowly but I am getting very hungry. This morning I drank a cup of coffee, thinking that would be fine and I was doubled up in pain all day. He is treating her autism with a holistic approach including diet, supplements, therapies and a small amount of medication. I also cannot drink acidic drinks or caffeinated drinks and only drink water. To be quite honest is now just a 5 year blur. That problem was solved with a stint and then a drain. My soda pop and beer consumption has become almost zero. I knew and understand, there will be chow that I will feel uncomfortable eating anymore. DR INIBOKU is a leading herbalist healer on the entire African continent. Those foods will forever irritate our bile duct. Then lots of pain so he cut me in his office about an inch to find the pain. I was given to much Anastisa and could not wake up. Very hot water helps relieve the immediate symptoms but the only long term solution for me is Metamucil. I got sudden dia. if I try to eat a large meal I get very bloated and uncomfortable. As far as eating-mostly chicken soup, jello, water-DRINKS TONS OF WATER, cranberry juice, bananas. I have been trying different foods, but nothing seems to help. Water with lemon, no sugar, also helped later in the day or when it is hot out with some crushed mint. Cant even enjoy food and after reading a post from a doctor on the first page here it has made me even more depressed and frustrated at the doctor who did the operation. They ensured me that I was going to be ok, I confided in them and left it up to my God that I will be ok. I was sick all night with bloating, indigestion and gas. It is terribly uncomfortable. I have just had surgery and have to watch what I eat. You have to take three large pills twice a day. My stomach gurgles, twitches, bloats excessively, growls, and protests no matter what I try to eat and I just feel like this misery is never going to end. People really need to be aware that there are alternative methods to having your gallbladder removed. I had already changed my diet over the last 9 months to organic, moving away from fast food, preservatives, additives, and becoming more alkaline. I bought Cheerios to mix with my cold cereal hoping to cut down on the fiber. But you can achieve normal life once you learn how to deal with it. I had my gall bladder out the end of December, about 4 months ago. I will check back in a few days share anything that I find out. After three days my apetite was increasing like i used to be. The pain gets so bad that I have to lay down several times a day to get relief. Had good appetite afterwards, but had to watch food in-take. I notice very rich gravies or sauces Cause food to go Straight thru me. , L. you have to respect your body and give it plenty of time to recover and heal. As soon as I stand up, the pain comes back. Thank you. 6 tiny mini meals a day. Reading the other posts made me realize I cannot tolerate fat in my diet. I do not have high blood pressure which is primary use. Had my gallbladder and appendix out and my hernia repaired. but outside of the surgery incision pain. I have had gallbladder removed years ago and lately I have a great deal of trouble eating peanut butter and fried catfish. I had my gall bladder removed 5 years ago. I work less than 10 minutes from mcdonalds. Thexception milk is so my stomach is lined for meds. I am constant about going to the rest room after eating in a restaurant. After having it removed she started to have discomfort. At my GP on Monday as cant live like this. Any time I have had cheese, drank fat free skim milk, eaten any type of beef (lean or not lean), or drank a caffeinated drink, I am in the bathroom within 3-5 minutes. I had my gallbladder removed in 2010 and have been able to eat everything I was eating before the surgery. Before the surgery I had to over come a stomach ulcer, stomach infection and diverticulitis. I am going to try keep him off fatty foods for now and see if the pain does go away. I have had tons of accidents and my husband get so frausted with this issues because he knows when it hit he has to get me to a bathroom fast. I tried boost, then baby food nothing stayed down. If within two months I still suffer from these cramps after eating My doctor wants to put me on a special powder that I drink before every meal for unspecified amount of time. I have had this problem since I had my surgery in February and before the surgery for a few days. I was told it could take up to six months before your body can tolerate fatty foods. This week I have been bloated and have gradually been less in the morning when I wake but bloated by bedtime. I also have reflux problems, which I have been medicated for years. To connie. I use a Nutri Bullet and pretty much follow the diet plan in their book. Thank you your information was very informative. Bouts of loose stools lasting for 3 days at a time and at about 10 days intervals are wrecking my life I have tried cutting down on fats This is difficult. At the beginning of October 2014, I had a sudden abdominal pain that I could only describe as comparable to the worse of my gallbladder attacks. Some foods to try include: jello, broth soups, fish and lean chicken strips baked, garden fresh vegetables (not canned), kefir with probiotics and cultured yogurts. I found Brazil nuts help with diarrhea these are anti inflammatory but need to limit them to 3 or 4 per day. I lost a little weight of course due to liquid diet right before surgery but with my metabolism I anticipate my normal weight to be right back as like I said. I told the doctor if nothing was done this time I would happily go home and end my life. I have had my gall bladder removed recently and I find what you have posted here very helpful thank you very much. g. I had my gullbladder removed far too young at 23. I went to the ER just to rule out a pulmonary embolism, common after surgery. Fajitas chicken gave me the runs the other day. I started to eat normally but my stomach was not feeling good at all. Or Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup with a handful of small pasta like noodles. My daughter is having her gallbladder removed and I was looking for a diet she could after surgery. it was 10 months before I could say I was pain free. I have to eat small meals and try to eat lowfat and drink plenty of water. Fyi: Have lost about 8 lbs and feel a bit better as a result. greasey food. I seem to have lost my appetite after gallbladder surgery. I had my gallbladder removed about a year ago, and have been sick most of the time. I have not had my surgery yet but I know someone and heard of people that have had gallbladder surgery and they can eat anything they want now. Today I ate a small bowl of baked pork n beans with sausage cooked in them. (it was about midnight), and after testing they found my gallbladder was slightly inflamed and had produced some small stones. Gradually things have normalized in relation to my system handleing the foods I choose to eat. I am now experiencing diarrhea and am not sure why as I have not had much fat. I had my surgery a year ago, and for me, it comes down to eating a small amount of anything. Without looking at the brain, many important pieces of information are missed, which can hurt you or someone you love. Had gallbladder removal surgery 2 days ago, and trying to research what to eat. For dinner I had chicken noodle soup and crackers. I eat very small meals and usually drink only water. The first 3 days of recovery were spent in bed. As you can read on my earlier post everything was going ok for the most part. As a parent it helped me understand the issue at hand so that I understood what was going on in his brain and this not only helped my son but allowed me to interact better with him. I tolerate foods fried at home in vegetable oils just fine. Yesterday for lunch, I ate some dip consisting of cream cheese, spinach and french onion soup mix, with white bread. I have been craving salad a lot in the last year and I think this digestive problem is why (my body needs the ruffage). Alcohol with a big meal seamed to be the only thing that would irritate my body. With my research I found a few things you sufferers might try. If I knew about this syndrome I would have told him not to do that. I am so sick of not being able to eat meat without getting diarrhea within about 10-15 minutes of eating it. Please let me know if this is common or do i need to consult the doctor immediately. I actually feel the gas move from one side of the stomach to the other. Had coffee the next day, oatmeal, fruit, turkey burger. Is there something she can eat now to kind of coat her stomach. An ultra sound revealed I was choca-block full of gallstones. From now on I will try to avoid spicy and greasy foods. and switched to Tylenol and TylenoPM. If I eat to much my stomach is uncomfortable for hours afterwards. I went to sleep and woke up the next day and relazy I was cover in feces. No health care professional prepared me for this. Still scared to try much because of the bowels situation. My stools were very loose at first, but are now formed. Before surgery had gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and severe diarrhea. I had my gallbladder removed June of 2015. Mostly eat lean meat and salad. I felt relieved and went to bed and slept for a while. I eat salmon, fruits, vegetables, chicken, 4 percent beef (grain fed), 10 different nuts every other day, cage free brown eggs, honey wheat (Sara Lee brand) bread. Went to work hoping to shake it off only making matters worse. Had a temp and felt sick every day since having the operation. After reading these comments I feel pretty fortunate. Appetite is pretty poor but eating light foods. Fried foods irritate n send me off sometimes. He has always eaten a high protein, low fat diet and continues to do so. After the surgery it felt like I was punched in the stomach 100 times. At the beginning, I did not experience anything but pain and discomfort on that side, but after time passed by gas problems arise. It feels like I just lost a tough boxing match. Some were done at Baylor Medical Center and one at a surgical center. Twice in 3 days had caused a lot of infection. My vitamins are also causing me problems so I am going to take your advice and eat smaller portions throughout the day. I have had my gallbladder removed a year ago today and I have constant problem with using the restroom frequently. Turned out to be gallstones, and a lot of them. The only food i am able to tolerate right now is chicken noodle soup, sugar snap peas,popsicles and gatorade. I had Gallbladder Surgery 2 weeks ago exactly. Have been off the 3 grams of fat or less diet now for almost 2 weeks, no real problems. I pretty much follow a low carb eating plan, eating plenty of meat, using real butter and cream. Drink only water and have lived off of Chicken, potatoes, rice and veggies. The second week, I started to notice increased bloating and for two days I had intense abdominal cramping. My doctors thoroughly explained both the positive and negative ramifications of trashing my sludgey gallbladder. By the way, the surgeon who did my surgery told me that I could still have issues with diarrhea, even after having the gallbladder taken out. Do you think he is ok or should we go back. I had my gall bladder out on the 30th of Dec. The probiotic I am taking has ox bile in it. From all the blogs I read and from my own opinion only about 2% felt better 98% still experience all the pre op symptoms and some developed other infections. That is a good way to lose weight unfortunately, I do not weight enough to lose anymore. I just had gallbladder surgery last week and am having a lot of pain from the problems with digestion. I can assure you 100% that you will develop secondary issues within a year to 6 years after gall bladder removal. I have had terrible pressure in my chest cavity, like someone punched me in my ziphoid. I am so happy I did this surgery as I will not miss that 1 attack I had. Even though, she already has pain from the incision they made. I guess it helped because for the third day I could take longer walks and today march 06 I feel really ok. I had my gallbladder removed I have times where I can eat almost everything. Knowing that eggnog always makes me feel better when I am sick, I decided to give that a try when I got home four days post-op. I had Gallbladder surgery about 8 years ago and I still have problems with food. I have experienced very little cramping or pains, I have gradually added more and more fiber and that is working great so far. Had a salad plate it had sour cream, lettuce, rice, beans and ttomato. Just be aware of how full you get as you eat and stop. I was 23,just had a baby. I had polyps in my gallbladder and suffered for almost 3 yrs because I was afraid of have the surgery again from reading comments. We have learned about a 12 yr study in South Korea in connection with dumping syndromes after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. She is eating more fiber which is helping and has sworn off milk, and switched to a lactose free alternative. I have been eating summer rolls, smoothies and jello. The healing process was very painful and it was about 6 months before I started feeling better. I had my gallbladder removed on the 9th March 2016. I have lost 9bs in this time but I am sure it will return soon enough. I now have to have the stint replaced every two months for one year. per attack). I am experiencing new problems which I believe are related to my liver,so I am once again seeking info. The first day after the surgery I ate yogurt and chicken noodle soups and drank mostly water. I have been trying to keep down my fat intake. I hope we can get the facts and come to some useable information. The less than sympathetic Dr said he had never had anyone experience vertigo from a gail bladder surgery. Hate to eat low fat or no fat due to all the chemicals. ) My doctor has me taking Colestipol 2x daily and these symptoms do come. I still have problems with diarrhea and cramping. Thank you. Decades of pain have now been extremely lessened due to the cholecystectomy surgery, so all in all a fantastic outcome despite the dietary blips. I just had surgery to remove my gall bladder and my stomach has not been the same. I had my gallbladder removed 6 months ago. If I eat fatty food, I will be running to the bathroom within 40 minutes. The staff was friendly and informative from beginning to end. Combinations of those foods are guaranteed to have me in the bathroom for hours. I just had emergency Gallbladder surgery on Tuesday morning and the pain is manageable with Aleve and Tylenol regime. The surgeon is now working at the wound care and tire center here. Avoid high-fat foods, fried and greasy foods, and fatty sauces and gravies. I think it because the bile has no where to store anymore so it leaks a little in your tummy. I started WW and ramped up my exercise in late Feb, and I am down 15 lbs. The bile has crystalized becoming stones in your gall bladder. After reading many of the posts, I consider myself very fortunate that removing my gallbladder worked so well for me. My body was rejecting any food I took in before the procedure, witch led to 3 weeks without any substantial food. It also seems as though this low fat diet should continue a lot longer than 30 days. Even a slightest negligency on food creates diarrhoea. My daughter had her gallbladder removed back it Sept 2013. Mine was so badly infected and was filled with stones that it caused other potentially life threatening complications. Got serious about working to heal my liver. Just had gallbladder removed 10 days ago I eat 3bites of food and am so uncomfortable like I ate 3 servings of food. I have had a thyroid problem for 20 years. I had bladder surgery and if I eat anything greasy with a lot of fat there is an inmediate diarrhea sympton. I am fed up with the lack of care after this surgery. The first week was miserable due to severe constipation. I love their roast beef sandwiches and Curly fries. I had my gall bladder removed 25 years ago. My right shoulder also hurts from the gas but staying hydrated helps that a lot. This site has offered some suggestions I may try to see if it helps out with the aches and pains. Need a list as Dr never told me what not to eat. The week I was in the hospital I did not notice any huge changes, but I was on some serious pain killers. Other than those two times, I have had absolutely no pain or other reactions and I eat the same way as I did before I had surgery. I can handle peppermint tea and ice tea with lemon for drinks, but my go to is ginger ale. The stones had dislodged and managed to pass through the bile duct. I was over 400 pounds. Is t